Kyte Clearance on now. End of season sale for Rylee & Cru, Quincy Mae, and Noralee. Free shipping on orders over $200 to Canada and United States.

Kyte Clearance on now. End of season sale for Rylee & Cru, Quincy Mae, and Noralee. Free shipping on orders over $200 to Canada and United States.

Calming Lavender Natural Baby Wash

Let the wonders of lavender work their magic to calm and relax your little one.

Our soft and gentle lathering foam is derived from organic coconut oil and will gently cleanse your baby’s delicate skin. Infused with our own exclusive organic chamomile flower extract to provide extra needed hydration and soothing nourishment. Canadian sunflowers enrich our natural baby wash with an oil that is high in vitamin E and absorbs quickly to help preserve moisture in fragile baby skin and hair. Dermatologist tested, Proven hypoallergenic and naturally tear-free.

*Natural and Organic Cosmetic certified by ECOCERT Greenlife 

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