Kyte Clearance on now. End of season sale for Rylee & Cru, Quincy Mae, and Noralee. Free shipping on orders over $200 to Canada and United States.

Kyte Clearance on now. End of season sale for Rylee & Cru, Quincy Mae, and Noralee. Free shipping on orders over $200 to Canada and United States.

Deluxe Edition Metallic Diaper Pail

The NEW deluxe edition Ubbi Diaper Pails are made of STAINLESS STEEL to achieve maximum odor control. It is equipped with rubber seals that are strategically designed to lock in odors as well as a sliding lid that minimizes air disruption, keeping the smell inside the pail. To meet the needs of today's eco-conscious parents, this award winning nursery essential offers the convenience and value of utilizing any standard trash bag or reusable cloth liner. This feature makes it the easiest disposal system to load, use, empty and clean. Offering a modern and sophisticated twist to a once very industrial product, the sleek Ubbi diaper pail also includes a child-proof lock.  All the style and none of the smell - a promising solution for every nursery.


  • stainless steel
  • rubber seals
  • innovating sliding lid
  • no special bags required
  • eco-friendly 
  • childproof safety lock
  • safe, convenient & economical
  • easy to load, use, empty & clean
  • holds and average of 35 diapers
  • award winning design
  • 3 deluxe edition metallic pails available in colours Chrome, Gold and Rose Gold.

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